Capital Space Ltd carried out a customer survey across 700+ offices, studios and workshops in 2021 – the first of its kind within the company – to ascertain the diversity of businesses which have made their home with us in our nine sites.

Findings from the 2021 Customer Sector Report show that:

* 18% are from retail, distribution and manufacturing
* 14% from construction;
* 10% health and beauty;
* 6% financial services;
* 4% IT services;
* 3% leisure;
* 3% recruitment;
* 3% education;
* 3% catering.

Although we represent a variety of small, medium and large enterprises, each business centre shares a common bond – they are home to a vibrant, resilient community of business owners.

No matter what sector you work in, we are confident that you will feel right at home in any of our business centres.

To read the full report, click here: Customer Sector Report 2021 Capital Space Ltd