Our Corporate Social Responsibility Policy
Our corporate social responsibility policy (CSR) is based on the principles that our company will:
- comply with the law and relevant UK legislation
- ensure that all our business operations are legitimate
- act ethically with integrity in all our business dealings
- honour our published and internal policies
- be transparent in our pricing and dealings with customers and suppliers
- minimise our impact on the environment and promote greener ways of working.
Business ethics
We have clear published pricing for our services, and our agreements with customers have a Crystal Mark for their clarity, approved by the Plain English Campaign.
We value each customer regardless of size and the type of service they require and pride ourselves on knowing them individually. We regularly maintain contact with customers to ensure they are kept informed about events and activities at the centres and check their experience of working from our centres.
Our employees have clear anti-corruption, bribery and whistleblowing policies, with the opportunity to discuss any concerns or questions with their line manager or the Managing Director.
We treat our suppliers and contractors with respect and pay invoices promptly, well within the terms of the agreements. Our aim is to develop long term, close working relationships with preferred suppliers to ensure the continued excellence of goods and services and give the supplier confidence in their business planning.
Protecting and developing our people
We aim to provide our employees with a stimulating, fair and challenging environment in which to work. We firmly believe that full participation at levels of the organisation enables our employees to identify with our business strategies and culture.
We provide equal opportunities and are committed to the principle of equality regardless of race; colour; ethnic or national origin; religious belief; political opinion or affiliation; gender; marital status; sexual orientation; gender reassignment; age or disability. We will apply employment policies that are fair, equitable and consistent with the skills and abilities of our employees and the needs of the business. We look to your support in implementing these policies to ensure that all employees are accorded equal opportunity for recruitment, training and promotion and, in all jobs of like work, on equal terms and conditions of employment.
We will not condone any discriminatory act or attitude in the conduct of our business with the public or our employees. Acts of harassment, victimisation or discrimination on the grounds of race; colour; ethnic or national origin; religious belief; political opinion or affiliation; gender; marital status; sexual orientation; gender reassignment; age or disability are disciplinary offences.
We select new employees by matching candidates against detailed job descriptions with the intention of choosing the person most suited to the job, irrespective of their race; colour; ethnic or national origin; religious belief; political opinion or affiliation; gender; marital status; sexual orientation; gender reassignment; age or disability.
Training on mental welfare and ongoing meetings are designed to support our employees and give everyone the opportunity to discuss any concerns.

Protecting the environment
Our company recognises the need to protect the natural environment. We have a clear Environmental and Waste Management Policy. Through good housekeeping and management within our premises and externally around the sites, we keep our centres clean and tidy and aim to reduce our impact on the environment through activities such as recycling, using eco-friendly products, operating solar panels, providing electric vehicle charging points and cycle racks. We follow best practices when disposing of rubbish and maintain our soft landscaping to help offset carbon emissions.
Health and Safety
We are committed to providing a safe working environment for our employees, customers, contractors and suppliers and members of the public who visit our centres.
We promote a positive and informed health and safety culture to do all that is reasonable to prevent injury and hazards, including:
- regular health and safety meetings
- the inclusion of health and safety as an item in managerial meetings
- conducting risk assessments
- engaging a health and safety consultant to review our practices
- staff training and assessments
- complying with relevant health and safety legislation
- regular maintenance of all health and safety systems.
Donations and help
Our company has a budget for each of our business centres to donate to their chosen charities, with further funds available to host events to encourage charitable donations from our customers. Promoted charitable events include summer fetes, raffles, “swap shops” and competitions.