Creating a greener place to work
COP26 has highlighted the importance of getting greener and at Capital Space we are always striving to improve our efforts to be kinder to the environment with greener business practices. However, it doesn’t stop with social responsibility; we want to improve the green spaces around our business centres and support local ecosystems. So, that is why we are delighted to announce that we were successful in our application to Tonbridge and Malling Council to get a Green Business grant for Churchill Square Business Centre ! Read on to learn more about the grant and what we plan to do with it to improve our green credentials and make the work environment even better for our customers.
Our green plan
With our application to the Tonbridge and Malling council being a success, the Churchill Square Business Centre has been awarded a grant of £2,963.07 towards the proposal that we put forward to the council, which accounts for 40% of the total project costs.
With planting trees being an easy way to help offset our carbon emissions, and simultaneously improve the surroundings of our business centres, it was a project that the Capital Space team was excited to begin.
We value the green spaces around our business centres, especially considering that some are in the Garden of England – Kent! Churchill Square Business centre already has a great variety of trees in and around the grounds of the buildings. Species include Birch, Hawthorn, Field Maple, Pine and Cherry within surrounds of traditional coppiced Sweet Chestnut woodland.
What’s next?
With help from Coblands we will be planting 12 additional trees around the centre as part of our ongoing commitment to becoming a greener business.
The brief given to Coblands was to supply and plant trees in strategic locations relative to the buildings to provide the benefit of shade in summer by reducing the temperature of the interior workspace. This is beneficial for our customers’ comfort and will mean less energy will be consumed to keep cool in the summer months.
Because the proposal provided by Coblands suggests planting some trees in close proximity to the buildings, they have selected varieties that have fastigiated habit (branches more or less parallel to the main stem of the tree). The trees which are planted will be of small or medium height in maturity or are of the same or similar species to existing trees, to ensure there are no drastic changes to the landscape. We can’t wait to see the end result and watch the trees grow bigger each year!
Capital Space are always striving to become greener – literally! Read more here about our latest effort to be kinder to the environment.