Free health check for our Sittingbourne customers
At Capital Space, we like to ensure our staff as well as customers are healthy and safe, which is why it is important to us to offer health benefits when we can. We also understand that when you are a business owner, your days are busy, and finding the time to book appointments can be challenging, which is why we were pleased to be able to offer free CVD Health Checks for customers at our St George’s Business Park centre last year; to help create a healthier workplace.
Why do these health checks?
This health check was part of the Workplace Cardiovascular Health Check Pilot, which was an initiative brought in by the NHS to take CVD checks directly to communities to increase access. As part of Kent County Council, Randox came and delivered the services to our Sittingbourne centre. These checks are so important as they help spot early signs of kidney and heart disease, strokes, dementia and type 2 diabetes.
Health check uptake
The tests were offered to staff members ages between 25-84, making them available to almost all our customers. Which was why the uptake of this initiative was high. Jeanette Crockford, the centre manager at St Georges Business Park said: “Kent County Council approached us about the initiative, so I sent an email out to all our customers to see if there would be interest. I was delighted with the response – so many people wanted to take part that I had to book a meeting room for two days rather than the one day which I had originally planned.” What’s more: “nearly every time slot was taken. It was really well received here, and we probably enjoyed the best take up we’ve ever had for anything that we’ve organised.”
The interest was so strong due to the business owners at the park being able to make a quick appointment onsite, rather than having to arrange a same-day appointment at their own GP surgery.
It was a delight to offer such an opportunity at one of our centres, and we will continue to offer similar services when we are approached with the opportunity.